On wednesday I got the chance to visit the marine station located in Banyuls-sur-Mer on the Mediterranean coast of France. I was very excited as it was related to marine fisheries as we dont have marine fishes in northern part of India.
On reaching the station we were suprised to see that it was not only a scientific observatory but also the cultural heritage of france. I learned about its history, activities and natural richness of the sea in Pyrenees-Orientalis that has been brought for more than 130 years ago.
One of the first underwater photos was taken by Louis Boutan in 1898 in Banyuls-sur-Mer. The floor of the observatory were according to different organism present at different depths in the sea. The species we saw was beautiful and fascinating to watch. First diving suit used
The main thing to observe here is that how history has helped us to be what we are today. The limited resources did not stop them from doing what they wanted. So we should respect our history because it is the main reason of the modern era we are witnessing.