there are 18 of us, (Indian students) staying in Théza, South of France, near Perpignan, we are hosted by the french ministy of agriculture and food processing, our university will, in turn , have french students for a month in August. This is an agricultural institute with students enrolled in bachelors and diploma. We will be sent to different agricultural institutions on thursday.
we are given french lessons and are interacting with french students here, who seem shy at first but are friendly once they open up. Food is very different from ours and I really hope to learn good french soon so that it becomes easy for me to ask for vegetarian food in mess (POV: Shree Devi buying Coffee in the movie English Vinglish )
and Oh Colioure is indeed beautiful, cyrstal clear blue water, blue sky, with a paint of white clouds and cold breeze. it seemed no less than a poetry.. I wanted to stay longer to absorb it all in my memories.
I look forward to seeing more of such beauty from you France, and to learn a thing or two, may be to slow down my pace to enjoy my day sometimes? Or to enjoy karoke nights with friends instead of tossing in bed worrying about the future.. Lets see..