Voyage Roumanie 08/06 evann

Voyage Roumanie 08/06 evann

RoumaniE Roumanie

Publié par EvannMiquel le  13.06.2024

12 Yesterday I was also on the fishfarm and I stuck the labels on the pots of pate

13 Today I went to the workshop at thé fishfarm and I packed the fish and AT the end of the day I went to Brasov with the class to take pictures of the celebrate monuments

14 Today I stuck the labels on the for 30min After I created boxes with cardboard and watched the staff and cut the nets of the silver carp and at the end of the day I went to Brasov with the class for look Decathlon and magasin de pêche

15 Today I also created boxes with cardboard and after I stuck the labels on the pots of the pate

16 today in the morning I go visiting the reserve national of bear with class, in the afternoon I go visiting a castle of Dracula (castel of Brame)

17 today I go to the lake of fishfarm doripesco and fishing the morning and afternoon, the end of the day I go with class eat in the restaurant of doripesco

18 Today I go work in the workshop of fishfarm and I create box and we put inside the truck the bag of fish and After a little road we put the bag inside a cool room side of restaurant we eat sunday and the afternoon free time in prejmer

19 Today I go work in the workshop and I have again create box and stuck labels and the afternoon again free time in prejmer

20 Today I go work in the workshop again and I stuck the labels create box and put inside a net of fish this afternoon I go visit with the class the school premises in the morning and I go with class to Brasov for visiting a "letter brasov " in the moutain

21 Today I'm not go to work because the stage it's finish but I go visit with class the salt miners and in the end of the day go to make a bagage for the return in France

22 Today it's the last morning in roumania and go to the France this is a good stage


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le 17.06.2024 à 11:52:41
Bravo, continue et dis nous en plus ! (et montre ce qui te plaît ou qui t'étonne ?