Publié par ShashankGangwar le 06.05.2024
Bonjour! Hello ! Namaste! This blog is to tell the readers about my one month internship in France . It’s really very difficult to explain my experience in text because the experience is much more beautiful and unexpressable.
I had a stay in France for total 30 days . In which first week we all 20 students of DEFIAA were at Perpignan for the initial training and then in the next weeks the students went to their respective training institutes.
We arrived at Barcelona airport on 8th March,2024 from where we went to Agricumpus 66 at Theza village by bus .We had a very warm welcome at Theza by our coordinators Mr. Christophe sir and Mrs. Chantal mam along with a good dinner and music night .
On the next day at 9th March, 2024 , we had an interactive exercise called as “perignan express” in which we are made to learn French language and frequently spelled french words and groups were made with each group having a specific task to buy from Perpignan. I was lucky to get the chance to buy “Tom de Pyrenees” cheese . We went and bought the cheese . The main aim of exercise was to get interaction with French persons.
On the 10th March , we were invited for the Theza carinval as the chief guest of carnival. We all were dressed in Indian attire and we participated in the carnival by Singing some Indian songs and we had a good evening with French people.
On March 11 , we were made to visit the campus and had a interaction with students of the school. In afternoon we had a lecture to know how to make ID on movagri website and how to publish a blog.
On March 12 , we had visit to the lecture rooms of the campus along with the labs Such as history classes , biology labs , biotech labs and microbiology labs and chemistry labs and we were happy to see the technological advancements of the campus. On the same afternoon we had a cross interaction between the students of various institutions from all over the france and Indian students in which we were able to make a healthy rapport with them . In the evening we had a Indo French cultural night in which we Indians were in our ethinic dreses and we celebrated by dancing and singing on french and Indian songs .
On 13 March, I left with our coordinators Mrs. Marie mam and Danuta mam to Yvetot by car , it was a wonderful journey of 11 hours from south of the france to the North . Finally at 12:30 am we arrived the campus of Yvetot, Normandie region.
On 14th March, we (me & Namratha)had a welcoming party in the afternoon by all the teachers and co-ordinators in the teacher’s desk area . Where we met with all the teacher’s who were going to be with us throughout the duration of internship. We introduced ourselves to the teachers in French . After the welcoming we also met the director of the campus and he wished us goodluck for our future duration. Danuta mam took us for a small visit of the campus and we were told thoroughly about the structure and functioning of the institute.
On March, 15 we had an English lecture with Olivane mam in which we were taught about the French traditions and customs that people of france to follow. In the end we also had a fun quiz to check our learning experience.
Then we visited the Food Technology Hall , with Isabelle mam where she gave us a breif tour and introduction of the hall where we were going to carry out our further food science and processing practicals.
In the afternoon we had a visit to the farm of the institute where we saw the whole agriculture and it’s allied sectors. We had a thorough visit to the sheep farm , cow farm and milking unit , poultry farm , horse’s shed , and machinery unit. The area of farm is extremely big and very strictly organised.
In the evening we were invited by Isabelle mam for the dinner.
- On Saturday 16th March we spent our entire day with Danuta mam , where we learned and understood the horses and leanerd how to clean the horses and ultimately Handel them . Then we visited the Abbey de Jumièges and we learnt about the history of it.
Allouville having a church inside it.
WEEK -02
On 18th March , we had a English lesson with Laurence mam , where we presented the atudeyabout India, it’s geography,culture , cuisines and traditions along with it we also told them about our university.
In the afternoon we had a biology field practical in which we went to the field and collected some earthworms and sampled then and then we had an exercise to identify them .
On Tuesday, March 19 , we had a very interesting practical in food processing hall with other students where we learnt about the production and storage of different french cuisines such as chocolate crème and milk jelly .
In the afternoon we we also had a microbiology practical with Stephanie mam where we learnt about finding the different types of healthy bacterias in the yoghurt. After a lot of struggle we finally Mananged to have a good slide .
On March 20th we were fortunate enough to get the opportunity to visit Ètreat along with Marie mam where we had a long walk on the shore side and we saw a beautiful sunset along with some beautiful Cliffs of the city.
On March 21st , we had a class with Olivane ma’am where we were introduced with the delicious cuisines of the france and we were very lucky to have the taste of them too.. we almost tasted every dish and it was very difficult to tell the best dish out of them because everything was so delicious. We tasted cheese , apple juice , brownie, cake and many more dishes to count. We also had our practicals in biotechnology where we studied about the gas chromatography and production of alcohol in bioreactor with yeast .
On March 22nd we had a visit two primary school at yevtot Where we had our lunch withwith the teachers of the school and and then we finally meet the small students of primary school where are we taught them about India through presentation and YouTube videos . we head introduction with total 3 glasses of different students of different ages from six years of age to 11 years of age.
On March 23, we had a walk in the Rouen, Where we visited a large number of cathedrals and also the seashore where we had a good photograph session and in the evening we return with Marie mam and had a good Indian dinner with her family.
On March 24th we visted to Varsaille with Valerie mam , where we Visited the castle of Versailles and we learnt about the history of French kings and their work which has been established as a museum .
Week third was a relaxing one because we had a good number of classes . We had a visit to a flour mill along with sidonie mam where we learnt the process of storage , transportation of wheat and it’s cleaning , quality control to its processing to form wheat flour and ultimately to it’s packing , labeling , quality and transport.
We also had a group discussion with French students in which they asked us about India and our studies and we also exchanged some good amount of knowledge related to french culture and studies with them .
We had our practicals in food technology hall with Isabelle mam , where we had a good knowledge of quality, sanitation and hygiene procedures to keep in mind while producing a product and we produced some food products keeping the above points in mind such as apple juice , milk vanilla jelly etc .
We also had our practicals in chemistry labs where we learnt about the analysis of cosmetic products, extraction of different fatty acids from them so to analyse if they are good for skin or not.
In the weekend we visited our most awaited place Paris and Eiffel tower where we had a long walk , a good lunch and we also had a exercise to catch our train from Paris and ultimately with a lot of joy and enjoyment we left Paris and we went to Danuta Mam’s place for celebrating Easter . We painted a lot of eggs celebrated with her whole family and his a lot of chocolate in the garden for the kids.. we genuinely enjoyed celebrating a new festival for us.
- In the fourth week we visited to Claire Mam’s house where she proposed a lunch for us and then we visited her big farm and learnt about the organisation of her farm . Then she also took us to Fecamp , where we spent our afternoon Peacfully near the sea along with her.
We also visited the Baie de Somme , where we had a adventure of bay of Somme from water to swampy and marshy area , we discovered a lot flora and fauna , it was ultimately a very good experience for us. And then we also visited the sheep breeding farm
As this was our last week of work we were finally awarded with our internship diplome by our respected director sir , he blessed us for our bright future. And with a heavy heart finally we left yevtot on Thursday morning i.e. 4th April.
Though it was quite difficult for me to share all of my experience in one go. But I was lucky enough to work in a different nation with a good work culture and ofcourse good teachers . All my success lies behind the efforts of my valuable co-ordinators who helped me a lot in achieving this success. I would like to visit france again in future for further more exposure.
Vive la France!!